You wrote the best content ever.

But no traffic?

I help you get your content on page 1 and stay there.

Yes, I want to talk to you

Orange paint splat Yellow paint splat Violette paint splat Rosa paint splat Yellow paint splat Violette paint splat

You don't want to.

  • Post regularly on social media.
  • Write about topics that no one reads.
  • Spend money on marketing.

What if.

  • You generate traffic organically.
  • You write text that actually helps and is read.
  • You become visible to the right people, get fans and customers.
Magic wand image

The magic formula

Content is king,
but so is the user

"Only a user-centred strategy is fit for the future. That's exactly what search engines want: To deliver the best search results to the user. If it's useless for the user, it's useless for your business. Instead of trying to be smarter than the algorithm: focus even more on that, on creating great and useful content for your customers."

Hello Google. More traffic without paying Google

Your website will be as crowded as Tehran's streets. Save your money and invest in optimised content to rank on page 1. And be found naturally.

Many cars icon
Sun umbrella icon

Good Bye Social Media. More visibility without posts on Instagram and co.

Enjoy the sun instead of taking another photo of yourself. Stop selling yourself. If that's your thing, do it. If not, focus on great content.

More valuable content ideas because you know the problems.

You write like a content machine. No writer's block. And endless ideas. You get to the heart of things and deliver solutions that are needed. Because you know the problems of your target group.

Ideas icon
Customers icon

More people who become fans and buy your products.

Good ranking plus high quality turns visitors into fans and ultimately customers.

Sounds good?


Arrow icon

Let's create great content together that the world needs

I like personal, direct and uncomplicated contact. And I like it structured and powerful. Does that suit you?

Get to know me

How it works.


  • Brainstorming
  • Analyse keywords, search intent and competition


  • Find a title
  • Write a text
  • Edit the text
  • Edit the text again


  • Create graphics or videos
  • Include keywords
  • Sleep over it
  • Putting the finishing touches

Go online

  • Publish
  • Index on Google
  • Wait, rank, celebrate
  • Link with others

What I do for you

Keyword research

Keywords give you insights into the problems of your target group. People enter their problems and questions into the search form. The Google algorithm scans your content and looks for keywords for which you can rank.

Competitor analysis

Studying who else is ranking helps you assess how high the potential is for you to land on page 1. You can see how your competitors are presenting the topic and find out how to make your article unique.

Keyword lists

The keyword research results in keyword lists with topics, subtopics, search intent, search volume and SEO Difficulty. This is the basis for keyword and topic clusters.

Topic cluster

Themes are divided into column themes and cluster themes and displayed in graphic form. This helps you to keep an overview and to link articles later. Google sees the internal linking and evaluates it as positive.

Content plan

Topics are listed in a content plan (editorial plan) with title ideas, working title, permalink and main keywords. Now you can work through it piece by piece :).

Text editing

I edit your texts and turn them into good and readable texts. I take care of a logical structure, check if the topic is covered and improve the writing style. If it is too complicated, I make it understandable. If it's too boring and tough, I add more tension.

Costs and service are determined individually.

Attention. The prices are for reference only. Prices depend on the scope of the subject.
I work for 45 $ per hour (including taxes).

Keywords for 1 topic

  • Keyword research
  • Competitor analysis

from 200 $

Keywords for 1 topic + 1 text

  • Keyword research
  • Competitor analysis
  • Text editing

from 400 $

Keywords + content plan for 1 topic

  • Keyword research
  • Competitor analysis
  • Topic cluster
  • Content plan

from 1000 $

Keywords + content plan for 1 topic + 1 text

  • Keyword research
  • Competitor analysis
  • Topic cluster
  • Content plan
  • Text editing

from 1400 $

Yes, I want to talk to you

Invest time and create brilliant content, that provides solutions to people.


Tell the search engines what your text is about:

With keywords.